FLOWNEX Users' Summit
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The Flownex Users’ Summit was a meeting dedicated to all Flownex users, designed to allow them to exchange views and best-practices on Flownex.
Flownex® is an advanced technology for defining and calculating 1D fluid-dynamic networks. Using an extensive library of components, Flownex® can approach the simulation of complete systems: it converts geometric aspects into concentrated parameters to characterize the fluid-dynamic aspect of each specific component. It reproduces both compressible and incompressible flows and also considers thermal aspects and phase change phenomena, such as cavitation, boiling and condensation.
The full presentations are not available for this workshop.
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Intermarine Shipyard tests Flownex for its naval piping systems
Andrea Villa; Leonardo Carassale - Intermarine, Italy
This technical presentation describes a comparative study that was undertaken by Intermarine between using the Flownex simulation environment and Intermarine’s manual or classic methods (both of which were compared with actual field data from on-board measurements) to predict pressure losses in the various piping systems that convey fluids on board a vessel. The fluids conveyed by the piping systems on vessels must reach each of their users at the right pressure and flow conditions. Various accessories in these piping systems, such as valves, bends, fittings and pipes, induce pressure losses. These pressure losses need to be predicted to select or verify the size of pump required for the piping system to prevent a number of potential problems. The objective of the study was to test the accuracy and reliability of the results obtained using Flownex, the time taken to execute the analyses, the applicability of Flownex to the shipbuilding environment’s requirements.
Flownex simulation for the dimensioning and balancing of suction systems in the milling industry
Solari Federico, FMB Engine
Ratti Almerigo, OCRIM
OCRIM spa and its partner company in R&D activities, FMB Engine srl, a spin-off of the University of Parma, has developed a new method for the dimensioning and balancing of suction systems in the milling industry by means of Flownex and Fluent.
This combination allows to accurately characterize all the components of the plants by means of a precise and accurate 3D simulation (Ansys Fluent) and provide all the information to Flownex to accurately reproduce the behaviour of the system.
A proper experimentation has been carried out to validate the results of the new method.
Further activities will be carried out in order to introduce the new method also in the dimensioning of pneumatic conveying system where the solid mass fraction can’t be neglected.
Integrating PTC's IoT platform ThingWorx with Flownex to generate physics-based digital twin. Overview of pump unit and its digital twin
Valeriy Volovikov, Digital Transformation Factory
The conception of physical-based digital twin implicates the mathematical simulation and virtual sensors, allowing operating personnel to check all possible variations in the object parameters at real-time with sensor-compared accuracy. Implementation of this approach based on Flownex, which is a powerful system simulation tool that can be used to understand equipment behavior under real-life loadings. Because of its flexible API, Flownex can be easily integrated into IoT Platforms like PTC ThingWorx to meet useful data and predictive analytics. For this presentation, a pump unit was used to demonstrate lot of benefits that Flownex brings to digital twin technology
Co-simulation between Flownex and LabVIEW: physical data acquisition and control and high level physical simulation
Carl W. Bergan, Flow Design Bureau AS
The programming environment LabVIEW by National Instruments (NI) has established itself as a tool for developing sophisticated data acquisition and control solutions. The LabVIEW program can be run as an executable under Windows OS, deployed on Linux real time targets or CPUs and deployed as code on NI provided FPGAs. LabVIEW also excels in the number of communication protocols that can be included in solutions. Flownex is a high-level physical simulation tool that includes several links for co-simulation with other software, including LabVIEW, but also the ability to read data from OPC servers. When combining the two approaches the possible results include but are not limited to:
- LabVIEW + hardware as controller and Flownex as the model in a “Model Predictive Controller” set-up.
- LabVIEW + hardware as controller and Flownex for evaluating effect of controller actions. I.e detect differences in actual and predicted response of a system.
- LabVIEW+ hardware as data -acquisition and Flownex as a method to predict performance in parts of the system not observed or measured (virtual sensor or instrument).
- LabVIEW and Flownex to realize "hardware in the loop" testing.
The term "digital-twin" convers many of the above-mentioned outcomes.
FDB has developed an improved link between Flownex and LabVIEW and with a special emphasis on the error-management. For real-time systems the error-management is crucial for developing robust solutions. The LabVIEW- Flownex connection will be put to test when operating a dynamic flow system currently developed and constructed by FDB and as part of a research program partially funded by the national Research Council of Norway.
Flownex 2019 release: new features and main enhancements
Erik Mazzoleni, EnginSoft
This presentation covers a description of the new features and main enhancements of Flownex 2019 release. A particular attention is paid to the integration with ANSYS and the Functional Mockup Interface. New multiphase capabilities and the corresponding applications to industrial sectors are also pointed out.